Blisk lies
Blisk lies

blisk lies blisk lies

  • Reginald Ponsonby Smythe, at your service and Her Majesty's.
  • Of course! Crypto, Milenkov's recharging unit IS his armour! Take out those plates and he'll become vulnerable! And also.
  • Brains! Milenkov must have a recharging unit somewhere on his body - but where?! Damn you, Blisk Anatomy 101!.
  • It doesn't make any sense! Every time Kojira destroys a building, her health regenerates! It's an cultural CATASTROPHE! Destroy them before she has a chance to!.
  • Don't crush me! DON'T CRUSH ME! Oh brains! My lives are flashing before my eyes! KILL IT, CRYPTO! KILL IT!.

    But you'd better destroy those blimps quickly, Crypto, because if the Revelade level reaches 100% saturation, our Bay City brain farm will be turned into a useless den of unmotivated degenerates sitting in front of their TV screens, twiddling their thumbs. Just in time, Crypto! Bongwater has launched his ships at the city! You must stop them from polluting the air with Revelade! I'll be monitoring the level of Revelade in the atmosphere.It's like a moldy sponge, built atop noxious Swiss cheese.


    Albion is full of tunnels, pipes, and excavations galore. I'm Orthopox 13 man! The Orthopox 13! Conqueror of Zargon 5? Hero of the battle of Tharsis Mons? Winner of the Xanthrax-47 mental cruelty award six years running? I'm the second most senior fleet commander in the entire Furon Navy! I was enslaving hyper-dimensional insectoids in the dunghills of Beedleblat when you were still in short pants! And you've never heard of me?

  • That cinches it, Crypto! You've destroyed the Blisk Base! I've half a mind to put you up for a medal - but only half.
  • Either Gastro's gout is acting up, or there must be fuel rods nearby.
  • The saucer's sensor is picking up significant radiation levels all around you, Crypto.
  • Ah, Albion, where the sun never sets and the natives never floss.
  • It just gets funnier every 50th time you do it, doesn't it?
  • Oh, sure, point out that I'm dead again.
  • No, I'm not referring your new "package"! It seems that treacherous human's damaged some of your equipment.
  • Crypto, If you can hear me, meet me in the park.
  • Crypto! You found all the Nexus Crystals! And I owe Gastro a fiver.
  • I don't know, order a virtual pizza or something.
  • I shall continue my repairs on the saucer, and then I shall.
  • Hello, Solaris! Hello, Solaris! Is this a great-looking crowd or what? Seriously, don't drop the soap in the shower, fellas!.
  • Now go forth and multiply- I mean, serve! Which, in this case, is the same thing.
  • Feel the earth move under your feet! Castle Kuro's tumblin' down!.
  • And the city don't know what the city is getting.
  • Ponsonby was right about one thing: everybody cracks.
  • Old Kojira was hoppin' around Takoshima City like a big playground.
  • Oh, sure, giant lady-lizard grows a new femur anytime she destroys something, while Crypto has to go and drain vehicles like a sissy! Game designers.

  • I need an upgrade from the Gene Blender.
  • What? Park full of potheads and none of you ever had erectile dysfunction? Last time I open up to you people.
  • I've got standards they may not be high, but I've got 'em. I know you're waitin' for me to sing that damn song.
  • The sensor cell connects to the focal plane the focal plane connects to the plasma beam.
  • This will be the greatest thing in your life since you found out that boil on your butt was just a marshmallow.
  • this gas is noxious, smells like Pox's underwear.
  • What was all that about? Uh, my freakin' head.
  • Prison island? You mean, the KGB are holed up in Australia?.
  • I've had wet dreams that weren't this good. This planet is now a territory of the Furon Empire, and your asses belong to ME!
  • Attention, Blisk: I am Cryptosporidium of the Planet Furon.
  • Cryptography? That's practically my middle name! Well, my only name.

  • Blisk lies